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Updated: Mar 19, 2019

Gabriel M. dela Rosa | News Editor | November 1, 2018

Our Senior High School Students participated in the 4th Scintillation Chemistry Quiz Bee held in Al Khor International School CBSE this last November 1, 2018 which were participated by ten participating schools across Qatar annually.

The students, Andrei Rivera, Akhiya Sulit, and Gabriel Dela Rosa of 12 STEM C; and Germaine Rentoria of 11 STEM C; trained with their Chemistry Teacher/ Coach Ms. Karren Baac after class hours for one and a half hour for a week before the competition.

On the day of the competition, they rode a Karwa bus to Al Khor early in the morning. Their two and a half hour drive from Al Ghaneem Bus Station to Al Khor Community was a long drive to the competition yet they found themselves sharing experiences and getting to know each other. On their arrival at Al Khor Community, they were harm heartedly welcomed by the host of the event, and the students who ushered them inside the campus.

The students were first registered then the event began immediately around 10 A.M. starting with the pen and paper elimination round test. The forty five test lapsed shortly and during those brief moments, students are seen to be focused and determined to win the competition. After then, the participants were given refreshments which includes sandwiches and juice. During the refreshment period, our students were able to chat with other schools and share their thoughts and experiences about the said competition.

The event proceeded to the pre-final program wherein students from Al Khor International School CBSE Choir presented the Periodic Table of Elements Song by ASAP Science which was enjoyed by the students as well as guests and teachers. Right after this, the event formally started the Final Round of the competition.

Although our participants were unable to secure a place in the final round, they had enjoyed the competition. Not only that, they expressed delight being part of the competition from the bus trip from Doha to Al Khor vice versa.

Akhiya Sulit, one of our school’s participant for the event quoted: “I found it challenging since we have a different curriculum from other schools wherein the questions were more on application of chemistry rather than computations in general chemistry. Although it was hard, I found the competition memorable and fun.” “It was an unforgettable and memorable experience.” said Andrei Rivera.

Finally, the school’s coach for the 4th Scintillation Chemistry Quiz Bee, Ms. Karren Baac quoted about her experience and thoughts: “Since that was the first time I competed for the said competition, I personally don’t know the content and I was actually surprised their curriculum was different and not in line with our curriculum. But then it was a great experience to be participating in that competition; at least next time, we know what to train and to review. To future participants, let’s be prepared to study and train in the field of application chemistry because it was more on that.” Ms. Karren Baac also said that she’s willing to be the school’s coach for the next Scintillation Chemistry Quiz Bee.

The Scintillation Chemistry Quiz Bee is held annually at Al Khor International School CBSE during the month of November and is participated by select schools. The word “scintillation” means a spark or flash emitted (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 2018).

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